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The Fires  

We Don't  




Three   Sisters

Acts 1-2 Picture 2.jpg


the middle sister, Kulygin's wife

M A R I A    S E R G E Y E V N A   K U L Y G I N A


Week 2 - Candid of Masha in her Garden.j

candid of Masha in her garden


LettersMasha / Vershinin
00:00 / 17:04

the orchard

music by Ross Bugden


Masha's morning

music by Whitesand

Fyodor Ilich Kulyginukulele by luceep
00:00 / 03:26
Week 4 - Beth + April Shared


when childhood ends

music by Whitesand

Week 1 - Father's Poem.jpg

easter traditions from the prozorovs


when I die

When I die
I want you to know that
Your name no longer leaves my lips
When I say it—or when I try to say it,
My throat burns
My heart sinks

If I just stop breathing
I want you to know that I
Wear black gloves now.
I cover my hands.
They were the last thing you touched.
The last thing you remember.
What do you remember?

What kind of afterlife will I see
But, I want you to know that
I cry
And you know I hate to cry
But I do it so much now
So many words left unsaid
So many moments left unlived

With you.
And without you too.

Where would I go if I died.
Before that, I want you to know

You reminded me I was alive
That I was here
That I am someone
A lovable someone
A creative someone
A funny someone
A beautiful someone

A part of me will always be searching for you
A part of me will always be wishing for you
Come here
And just see me.
And I will see you.
Just breathe me in, love.
And that will be enough.
For me.

When I die, just breathe me in and never ever exhale.


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