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We Don't  




Three   Sisters


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Explore the research and curiosities of the Dramaturgy Team below


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Chekhov portrait.png

Production History

Where did this play come from? What has happened to the text since?

Alexandra Kollontai, Russian revolutiona


What was it like to live as a woman during pre-revolutionary Russia? Today?


Digital Theatre Movement

How have theatremakers adapted to the COVID crisis? What constitutes a performance?

working class

Russian Society

Who were the Russians of the early 20th century? What were their lives like?

Gilyarovsky psychiatric hospital in Mosc

Mental Health

What were the treatments and ramifications of mental health at the time?

“Red April,” 1970 (acrylic on canvas) by

The Revolution

What does history tell us are the pieces to a revolution? What parallels can we draw between the Russian Revolution and the current political moment?

Discussion on translation, feminism, and ChekhovCSS Dramaturgy team
00:00 / 1:40:50


 Discussion on Chekhov, feminism and translation

Who is allowed to tell whose story? What are the ramifications of performing Chekhov today? The dramaturgy team discusses.

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